Come work with us

Telenor has a 170 years old history of constant transformation and during the last few decades, Telenor Shared Services has been there to help – delivering business critical, internal systems, services and support.

We know that our people’s knowledge, engagement and willingness to serve is the key to our success. To get the best from our employees, we want to offer the best environment to work and grow in. We strongly believe that to be a combination of multiple factors;

In TSS we are striking a balance between your monthly salary and long term benefits. We are dependent on the right level of competence, so we offer a fair salary compared to the marked value. In addition you can participate in in our Employee Share Program (ESP), buying stocks in Telenor and become a co-owner of your own workplace!
In all our locations we offer pension arrangements or gratuities aiming to safeguard our employees after retirement. In some locations we also have bonus agreements.

Telenor Group has its own Telenor Academy that offers a wide range of individuals and corporate development programs within different competency domains. All Telenor employees are encouraged to spend at least 40 hours per year - within their working hours - for personal, job related development. This can include traditional class-room trainings, online training courses within most relevant professions via Telenor Academy platform – or designated expert or leadership programs designed to support individuals careers within Telenor Group.

As part of Telenor annual People Dialogue process, we encourage all our employees to discuss their development plans, either it is within their current competency area – or to be able to broaden the competency, and to follow up throughout the year.

People and Way of Work

TSS has 3 key pillars defined to support people and way of work;

Culture; TSS aims to build a cross-location culture based on respect and common way of work
Care; In TSS, all employees are important and our people managers have regular follow up with their team members
Career;  TSS supports the development of our employees by internal recruitments, development, skills and competencies, culture, agile way of work


  • TSS is a great place to work – attract talents internally in Telenor and externally
  • Employees have challenging and rewarding tasks and responsibilities
  • Personal growth and continues learning and development
  • TSS is a high performing organization built on engaged and enabled employees
  • Talents stay in TSS due to culture, assignments and way of work

Key activities:

  • Design and offer strong learning paths within key expert areas
  • Promote collaboration and knowledge sharing
  • Management training and development – how to create high performing teams
  • Develop and mature our agile way of work

Telenor’s culture is what binds us together across all the societies we serve. It is defined by our purpose and our behaviors. Our behaviors are both aspirational and descriptive – they say something about the culture we strive for, but they also describe what we believe to be true about our culture. We use our behaviors to attract, retain and develop employees and leaders. We also use them, together with our Code, to guide our actions and identify areas of improvement. We have four behaviors that guide the way we work:


Always explore

Learning, curiosity, daring

We believe growth comes from learning every day.
We’re curious and we dare to challenge, test, fail fast and pivot.​​​​​​​



Create together

Diversity, involvement, collaboration

We believe diverse teams find better solutions.
We seek different perspectives, share, involve and help each other succeed.


Keep promises

Trust, integrity, reliability

We believe that trust is key in all our relationships.
We take ownership and pride in delivering with precision and integrity.


Be respectful

Equality, care, humanity

We believe in the unique human ability to understand what matters to people.
We meet everyone at eye level, listen and show that we care.

At Telenor high performance is not only about exceeding our goals and targets. It is also about how we behave towards each other and the world around us. We want to be a trusted partner – to our customers, shareholders and colleagues, and to our business partners and the communities where we operate. Our business depends on this trust, and we are committed to conducting our business in a responsible, ethical and lawful manner.

The Code of Conduct is the foundation of our corporate culture and sets out high standards of integrity on how we do business. Our Code guides us through day-to-day dilemmas and is the basis for how we behave as guardians of Telenor’s integrity. It helps us make informed decisions and explains where to go for more information and guidance.

The four Code Principles and specific requirements contained in the Code Sections form our basic obligations. Additional requirements in our Policies and Manuals must also be understood and followed.


Code Principles

We play by the rules

  • We follow laws, regulations and our policies and, if these are in conflict, we uphold the highest standard

We are accountable for our actions

  • We actively seek information, understand our responsibilities, and recognize our wider impact on the societies in which we operate

We are transparent and honest

  • We are open and truthful about our challenges

We speak up

  • We ask questions when in doubt and raise concerns without concern of retaliation

Our Code of Conduct applies to all employees and everyone acting on behalf of Telenor, including the Board of Directors. We expect our vendors, suppliers, contractors and other business partners to commit and uphold the same high ethical standards that we follow. All Telenor employees are required to conduct eLearning and sign off on the Code of Conduct on an annual basis.

At Telenor we maintain a culture in which employees feel comfortable raising concerns and potential violations of the Code of Conduct. We prohibit retaliation against any employee at Telenor who reports in good faith. Through reporting we enable Telenor to keep its promise to operate legally and ethically and we help the company to protect its good reputation.

Gym & internal sport clubs

At our HQ at Fornebu in Norway, you will find a fitness center in building J, level 3 which is open 24/7/365 for all members. Here you also can participate in classroom-sessions like spinning, yoga and other training classes.
For other locations in Norway, you can benefit from a 23% discount at any SATS fitness center.


Company cabins

Telenor offer its employees affordable rent of attractive cabins. Together with the employee unions, Telenor offer around 40 rentable cabins in different locations in Norway. Several of them located in attractive areas and rented out at prices well below market price.


Telenor’s employee insurance scheme aims at providing you with financial security. An accident or sickness can occur both at work, home or during travel.

The employee insurance scheme consists of:

  • Occupational injury/illness insurance incl. journeys to/from work and offshore

  • Group life insurance (death)

  • Sickness and disability insurance

  • Accident, Permanent injury and Disability insurance

  • Health insurance

  • Travel insurance including extensions

Mobile phone, subscription and home office

TSS is covering your mobile subscription, and a new mobile phone every 2nd year up to a certain amount that varies dependent on location.  We also cover headphones and you can get reimbursement up to a certain amount for your home office/internet connection.
TSS is flexible when it comes to working from home, but to sustain good relations among colleagues, you should spend minimum 40% (2 days per week) of your time at the office.